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Allen & Heath Xone V6

  • Input Channels -6 dual stereo channels with switchable sources
  • Rotary gain trim control knob is located in the meter housing on each channel
  • Channels 5-6 each have a stereo valve [tube] preamplifier
  • High quality mic input.

The Allen & Heath XONEV6 is a six-channel rotary fader DJ mixer designed for installation in professional DJ booths, or for demanding audiophiles who wish to preserve the fidelity of their precious recordings. Allen & Heath ensures that the finest quality components are comprised of the entire signal path, for a pristine audio quality sure to satisfy the seasoned DJ, engineer and audiophile.

Six input channels are comprised of four turntable inputs and 12 line inputs on RCA phono connections. Each channel features a stereo insert (send/return) connection for routing signal to individual processors, zones, etc. Master and Booth outputs feature balanced XLR connections and an additional Master output is provided on stereo 1/4″ phone connections. A Master insert is also provided and Record outputs feature RCA phono connections.

Six Penny & Giles oil-damped rotary faders deliver smooth transitions and a higher degree of accuracy and control over traditional linear faders. The faders are user replaceable but sure to last a very long time before wear. Every channel features a comprehensive LED meter and gain adjustment dial. A high-pass filter provides individual control over low frequency noise and rumble. With its high quality sound and features, the Allen & Heath XONEV6 built to satisfy demanding, professional DJs all over the world.

Valve Preamplifiers

Channels 5 and 6 feature valve (tube) amplifiers for warming “harsh” digital audio or adding extra warmth to analog recordings.

Rotary Faders

Six Penny & Giles oil-damped rotary faders deliver smooth transitions and a higher degree of accuracy and control over traditional linear faders.

Six Channels

Six input channels are comprised of four turntable inputs and 12 line inputs on RCA phono connections.

High Quality EQ

Each channel features a stereo insert (send/return) connection for routing signal to individual processors, zones, etc.


Each channel features a variable 12dB/oct filter for controlling low frequency phasing issues while mixing.



  • Input Channels -6 dual stereo channels with switchable sources
  • Rotary gain trim control knob is located in the meter housing on each channel
  • Channels 5-6 each have a stereo valve [tube] preamplifier
  • High quality mic input.
  • Metal shrouded balanced XLR connector on rear panel
  • large rotary control for high pass filter is provided on each channel
  • Precision Penny & Giles conductive plastic rotary controls
  • Intelligent cue system- large chromed push buttons – illuminated by blue LED
  • Stereo Insert points [RCA] for each channel provide access to use external processing
  • Twin 1950s design illuminated VU meters provide accurate output level monitoring
  • Custom – external, wall-mount power supply
  • Unique intelligent circuitry which checks and monitors the mains AC voltage

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